Wednesday 22 September 2010

Dave`s in Africa

Yes, although I found out via a small note dropped through our letterbox the other day:

"Hi, I`m in Africa to climb Mt Kilimanjaro for 3 weeks. Any emergencies call xxxx etc".

I rushed next door to see if I could catch him before he left, just so that I could say, with eyebrows raised fairly high, "Really?", but he`d already gone. To Africa. It`s not the sort of note one generally gets shoved through the letterbox, but then Dave is no ordinary chap. He`s climbing a mountain to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, because exactly a year ago Dave`s wife Emma died from this horrendous disease, and is very much missed by all that knew her. I met her just once, over the garden wall, on one of her rare trips home from hospital, where she pretty much lived for two years prior to her death. If you read this, I hope you`ll consider giving some of your no doubt hard-earned dosh to the Trust, so that it can in turn help others who have to endure cystic fibrosis, by raising awareness and gaining new pledges to donate organs for transplants. Emma was by all accounts amazing. Dave is also amazing.

This means the Tortie Twins, Dave and Emma`s cats ( yup; they`re amazing too and no, this isnt irony) are being looked after by family, who drop in regularly to feed, water and fuss them accordingly. But 3 weeks to endure with no Dave! Those cats are definitely putting more effort in, with regard to grabbing their share of adoration from passers-by. I had two visits from Suki yesterday; sometimes she comes in the front door so`s to be let out the back, because she`s too bloomin` lazy to go to the end of the road and get home via the access lane. But she did spend some time grooming, fidgetting and sleeping on the pouffe/ footstool in the front room/lounge/living room/parlour (strike according to age and class orientation), and also came and sat on my lap while I was enjoying a brief afternoon muse in the summerhouse/cabin/shed (see above classification and delete as you are wont).

Suki is the most socially skilled feline I have ever had the pleasure to meet - she does `cute`, `flirty`, `fey`, and is quite good at being superior too. Her best tricks :

1) Playing football with pine cones, on demand - (you throw the cone, point and say "get it", she looks at you, realises she`ll get adoration points if she goes after the cone, executes a few stagey feints and fluffs with her paw, then , er, gets it. This followed by a hammy theatrical rendition of immense boredom.) Her sister, Cally, while appearing less needy of her public, still expects anyone walking down the street to stop, admire, chat, stroke etc. Cally draws the line at cuddling, but Suki positively encourages it. I`ve seen one of the street regulars (male) wearing Suki like a stole; I`ve seen hardened tattooed men stop to fuss her. Floozy!
2) Never being wrong - Her most endearing/infuriating/saucy/outrageous trick is reserved for when she`s pushed the boundary of cat/human relationship, by deciding to climb all over the dining table . When told "Suki, no" in a firm voice, does she get off the table? Laugh or sneer? No, she plays her ace, IMMEDIATELY rolling over onto her back, (still on the table, you gather), paws up in the air. It`s utterly impossible to tell this cat off.
Dont be fooled. If the Krays had been female, and er, cats, no, no this will never work; it`s too brutal and not at all right. Let`s just say that the Tortie Twins rule this street. All other cats, and there are many around, pale by comaprison. These cats have character. In fact they have several, being reincarnated actors or something. ENOUGH of the cat soppiness already. Sponsor Dave! Click on this posting`s title to be taken to his website, and learn a bit more about what he`s doing ...

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