Two new anthologies with very different agendas -
`Identity Parade: New British and Irish Poets` edited by Roddy Lumsden -
(I have some poems in it, as it happens)
and `From Hepworths Garden Out`edited by Rupert Loydell -
an eclectic selection of poems about Barabara Hepworth`s work, the sculpture garden in St Ives, St Ives and art and St Ives artists ...
There`s been some lively comment/fisticuffs and turned cheeks about Roddy Lumsden`s selection for Identity Parade. I dunno how to respond. I`m mulling it over. I think I`m the `older white previously neglected English female poet` if we have to do p.c. which we dont. I merely mention the fact that a particular male black poet was pretty mad about the whole thing. I`m just grateful to be `out there`, as it were. (Politics? Moi?)
The fleecey spotty fabric pic is to allow you to see exactly what I spent about a week sewing curtains from for Wispy the Caravan. Wispy is now all done up in multi-coloured finery, and I defy you to mutter that making curtains out of fleece is even slightly odd. I have my reasons.
I am not prepared to share them at this time. Thank you.
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